Samuraii Premium Car Wax
"samural Liquid Wax" is a Pure carnauba wax blended with synthetic polymers for maximum performance and protection. Water beading protection that lasts, bigh gloss shine & deep, dark reflections. "Samurai liquid wax" with medium abrasive effect against fine scratches and haze. Together with the new Hybrid Net Protection Technology, the optimal balance of extremely fine polishing granules gives paintwork new brilliance, color depth, and protection. "samurai Liquid Wax" is clear coat safe and can be used on chrome and headlights! Plus, it's non-whitening formula will not stain or Whitten plastic trim.
Apply a small amount from Samurai liquid wax onto the foam polishing pad and buff using circular motions. Reapply if needed using the same motion. Wait for 3-5-minutes then Use a clean, soft microfiber towel to give the bodywork a thorough wipe over and buff, checking reflections and gaps from all angles to ensure you have removed every last trace of product.
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(+2) 0222-82-4040
(+2) 0102-333-4411
(+2) 01111-082-188
رقم 5 أبراج بدر الدين للبترول, شارع أحمد موسي الزيتون، القاهرة، مصر - 11725