Samuraii’s Premium Car Cutting Edge Finishing Liquid is an ultra-refined finishing polish that brings out the sharpest gloss, luster, and depth in the paint after the compounding step.
Samuraii Finish is specially engineered for the extreme gloss in the final step of automotive polishing. It is faster, more efficient, and increasingly cost- effective for automotive clear coat polishing that requires a swirl and hologram-free finish ideal for black colors. It has a highly lubricated formula. Longer time in polishing application can be applied on ( H.S/UH.S) clear coats, giving ultra high glossy surface.
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(+2) 0222-82-4040
(+2) 0102-333-4411
(+2) 01111-082-188
رقم 5 أبراج بدر الدين للبترول, شارع أحمد موسي الزيتون، القاهرة، مصر - 11725