An unbeatable all-arounder. Polish out sanding marks caused by 3000 grit, reliably remove smears, swirls, and shadows, and protect the high-gloss finish – all with a single product. This one-step polish combines speed and simplicity, making it ideal for novice polishers and the detailing of used and year-old vehicles.
Recommended usage;
Depending on the demands of the surface, the 3in1 product can be reapplied using the Wax Foam Pad in order to achieve an even better finish.
*** جميع المنتجات ، جميع الماركات. متوفر اليوم فقط! ***
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(+2) 0222-82-4040
(+2) 0102-333-4411
(+2) 01111-082-188
رقم 5 أبراج بدر الدين للبترول, شارع أحمد موسي الزيتون، القاهرة، مصر - 11725