If car is waxed, remove wax with HENDLEX Wax Remover. Wash the car carefully and make sure there are no washing products (shampoos, dirt, solvents) left on the surface.
For better result it is recommended to coat polished car surface. After polishing make sure to wash the car. It is recommended to remove the remaining water using the compressed air jet.
It is also recommended to clean the surface with HENDLEX Paint Prepare.
Proper temperature for coating is from +10 °C to +25 °C. It is recommended to cover the area of 1×1 m at the time. If the temperature is higher than +20 °C, cover the smaller area. Cover no more than 1 m 2 with one nonwoven fiber cloth. The surface must be polished in 60 seconds after coverage because it hardens very quickly. If the surface gets into contact with water, immediately clean it and repeat the coating.
Recommended coating curing period:
Do not wash the car for 7 days. Depending on the environment temperature, the coating fully hardens in 7 days.
*** جميع المنتجات ، جميع الماركات. متوفر اليوم فقط! ***
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