Our woolpads are the popular choice of many detaillers out there. Made from the best quality EU-material there is on the market. Use it, rinse it and re use it. Even throw it in the washing machine. No problems. Easy to clean and will last for many uses, over and over again. Removes imperfections and creates a solid base to get that superiour result you always look for.
This type of pad has been around for many years, loved and used by proffessionals and beeing one of our most popular products in our whole lineup.
Woolpads makes the latter stages of a complete detailling work som much easier. It removes scratches and leaves a prefect surface to work on with softer polishing pads.
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(+2) 0222-82-4040
(+2) 0102-333-4411
(+2) 01111-082-188
رقم 5 أبراج بدر الدين للبترول, شارع أحمد موسي الزيتون، القاهرة، مصر - 11725