Basic yet ultra concentrated pH neutral car shampoo that does what it does - clean, without harming the paint, coating or waxed finish. OSREN’s Nano Wash shampoo is designed to quickly and reliably encapsulate dirt and grime off your vehicle so you can clean without dulling the paint while keeping its original gloss.
Features & Functions:
Paint, wax and coating safe pH neutral car shampoo that’s formulated with nano technology to make it super concentrated with extreme suds.
- 1:500 For use withpneumatic powered snow wash tank
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(+2) 0222-82-4040
(+2) 0102-333-4411
(+2) 01111-082-188
رقم 5 أبراج بدر الدين للبترول, شارع أحمد موسي الزيتون، القاهرة، مصر - 11725