Standing at the top of car detailing industry
BodyGard-S60 has the best chemical inert properties in TEVO professional coating series. The ability to withstand corrosion from acid, alkaline, and salt is incomparable in car detailing industry. With such a strong ability, the performance leads to a longer lifespan when the product is coated on surface. Additionally, the unique formulation offers top-notch level of protection to vehicle and preferred by professional car detailer in four seasons country.
Highly advisable to buff the glass coating in circular motion and wipe the coated surface gently to make sure the coating stays on top of painted surface. Secondly, car detailer needs to wait for at least 4 hours and let the top layer to cure before applying the next layer.
A fine-tuned formula by TEVO chemist and one of a few quartz-based coatings can bond well with Paint Protection Film without causing the issue. Apart from this characteristic, the superior Lotus effect from BodyGard-S36 can minimize watermark issues which are known to happen on most of the Paint Protection Films.
One of the rarest abilities that a car coating could offer; and yes, the rare ability can be found in the formula. Years of research and development had led TEVO to the achievement. The properties will be activated upon contact with temperature above 65 Celsius and car detailers able to remove most of scratches by buffing the surface with a clean cloth.
Car detailers must find the right “timing” or waiting time before buff off the coating. Waiting time can be affected by air flow, temperature, and the humidity. It is advised to wait for 5 minutes for new user and then adjustment can be made according to contemporary situation of the space. Meanwhile, inexperienced user shall not wait for more than 15 minutes to avoid coating hardening issue.
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